Contact Melissa Sanzari-Stevens with any questions
- Ice Cream Mondays are in full swing. To volunteer, please sign up here:
- We need Pizza Day Volunteers, please sign up here:
- Charleston Wrap Fundraiser is still going on, packets were sent home, promote on your socials!
- B&M Dinners are on Wednesdays! Check out the flyer and consider ordering! Orders must be placed by Monday evening for Wednesday pick up.
- Thank you for all of the support!
Pictures Needed!!!!
The next round of photos due by November 3rd include:
- One baby picture of each 6th grader naming convention should follow baby, last name i.e. Baby Smith
- Mother's Day Tea May 9, 2019
- Kindergarten baby chick pics May 22nd, 2019
- Halloween/Monster Mash photos. If anyone is searching for photos and finds others to send, please feel free to upload them.
If anyone needs help scanning photos please reach out to us at &
Please submit all photos to the following two email addresses: and
We have a 6th grade Chat on Remind. If you would like to join please send a text to 81010 and text the message @8g9k8c.
You should start looking for K-6 school photos.
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Wednesday, March 19
- Friday, April 4