We are very excited to announce a New WRPTO sponsored Club!
The Entrepreneur Club for 4th - 6th grade!
A new opportunity to meet with local business owners and learn about starting a business, types of products to sell, how to price your products, business basics, marketing and more! The club will meet 3 times (dates below) before the Fair in June where they will have the opportunity to sell their products after school! Links below to sign up and see some creative ideas for products.
Sign up Closed!
Here are some ideas you can share with your children to get the
creativity flowing for what their business could sell IDEAS
**No food items can be sold at the fair
Some additional details:
The PTO will be providing the young entrepreneurs with $20 seed money per business to purchase supplies and will rent the tables and chairs needed to host the fair.
The club will be held at West Ridge immediately after school on 3/27, 4/25 and 5/7.
If your child would like to partner up in their business, they may do so. Just list their partner on the form.
Please reach out with any other questions!
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Wednesday, March 19
- Friday, April 4